Stages and techniques of hair transplant in Turkey

Stages and Techniques of Hair Transplant in Turkey

  • Post last modified:April 24, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post category:Economy

Want to have a hair transplant wondering about stages and techniques of hair transplant in Turkey used we will guide you through every stage and step!

Hair transplant in Turkey has been a popular procedure for decades. with doctors in Turkey performing more transplants than any other country in the world.

Stages and techniques of hair transplant in Turkey

Stages for Hair Transplant Turkey

Hair transplantation operation is performed in three basic stages:

  1. Collection of Hair Follicles
    The hair follicles are harvested one by one using the FUE motor once the region has been prepped for the process. In the meanwhile, it’s critical to avoid damaging the roots. There are typically 2 to 3 hairs per transplant on average.
  2. Opening Channels
    The size and depth of the opening channels influence the rate of hair growth. The hair follicle should be placed in a channel that is both big and long enough to accommodate it. Another critical component of the canal’s angle should be considered.
  3. Planting the Roots in the Opened Canals
    The hair transplant technique is completed when the collected roots are implanted one by one into the open channels at 40-45 degree angles.

Hair Transplant Technique in Turkey

In Turkey, the FUE procedure is the most current advancement in hair transplantation technology.. The roots are collected with a micro motor during a micro-surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. All hair transplant procedures are based on this technique.

Every procedure for hair transplantation has the same basic steps. Harvested roots are inserted into the channels that have been opened by harvesting.

Different nomenclature of hair transplantation methods in Turkey is due to diverse equipment used to remove the roots, medical instruments required to unblock channels after transplantation as well as other factors.

Techniques used in hair transplantation in Turkey

The following hair transplant treatments have shown to be effective in Turkey. Each treatment option is chosen based on the patient’s requirements and preferences. The doctor and patient reaching an agreement on the best course of action benefits both sides.

  1. Robotic Hair Surgery
    Hair follicles are harvested by the hair transplant robot during the robotic hair transplant procedure. Once the canals have been widened by a hair transplant robot, the harvested roots are manually implanted.
  2. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
    The unique sapphire tip pen is used instead of a metal slit during the grooving stage of the Sapphire FUE hair transplant procedure. The method is unique in that sapphire tips are used, allowing for the opening of smaller micro-channels and reducing crusting.
  3. DHI Hair Transplant (Unshaven)
    DHI hair transplantation, also known as direct hair transplantation, utilizes a medical pen known as a choi to simultaneously open and transplant the canal. For this reason, transplanted hair follicles are more likely to remain healthy since they will spend less time outside.
  4. Normal FUE Hair Transplant
    Hair follicles are collected, divided, and inserted manually opened channels in the FUE hair transplantation method using a micromotor.