Marriage and divorce in Turkey statics

According to the latest press release from the Turkish Statistical Institute (Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, TÜİK), the number of married couples in Turkey decreased from 575,891 in 2022 to 565,435 in 2023. The crude marriage rate, which represents the number of marriages per thousand population, was 6.63 per thousand in 2023 (TÜİK, 2024).

First some key statistics

Number of married couples (2023)565,435
Crude marriage rate (2023)6.63 per thousand
Number of divorced couples (2023)171,881
Crude divorce rate (2023)2.01 per thousand
Mean age at first marriage (males, 2023)28.3 years
Mean age at first marriage (females, 2023)25.7 years
Proportion of foreign grooms (2023)1.1%
Proportion of foreign brides (2023)5.5%
Proportion of divorces in first 5 years of marriage (2023)33.4%
Number of children given to guardianship (2023)171,213

Divorce Rates in Turkey

The number of divorced couples also decreased from 182,437 in 2022 to 171,881 in 2023. The crude divorce rate, expressing the number of divorces per thousand population, was 2.01 per thousand in 2023 (TÜİK, 2024).

Chart shows Divorce Rates in Turkey 2022 - 2023

Mean Age at First Marriage

The mean age at first marriage has increased for both genders over the years. In 2023, the mean age at first marriage was 28.3 for males and 25.7 for females, with a mean age difference of 2.6 years between the genders (TÜİK, 2024).

Chart shows Mean Age at First Marriage 2022 - 2023

Highest and Lowest Crude Marriage Rates by Province

In 2023, the province with the highest crude marriage rate was Kilis, with 8.09 per thousand, followed by Aksaray (7.81 per thousand) and Gaziantep (7.57 per thousand). The province with the lowest crude marriage rate was Gümüşhane, with 4.52 per thousand, followed by Tunceli (4.82 per thousand) and Malatya (4.98 per thousand) (TÜİK, 2024).

Chart shows Highest and Lowest Crude Marriage Rates by Province

Foreign Grooms and Brides

In 2023, the number of foreign grooms was 6,345, accounting for 1.1% of total grooms, while the number of foreign brides was 31,029, representing 5.5% of total brides. Among foreign grooms, German citizens took first place (21.9%), followed by Syrian (19.2%) and Austrian (5.1%) grooms. Among foreign brides, Uzbek citizens took first place (12.0%), followed by Syrian (11.3%) and Azerbaijani (9.1%) brides (TÜİK, 2024).

Chart shows Foreign Grooms and Brides 2023

Highest and Lowest Crude Divorce Rates by Province

The province with the highest crude divorce rate in 2023 was İzmir, with 3.05 per thousand, followed by Antalya (2.94 per thousand) and Karaman (2.80 per thousand). The province with the lowest crude divorce rate was Hakkari, with 0.36 per thousand, followed by Şırnak (0.44 per thousand) and Muş (0.55 per thousand) (TÜİK, 2024).

Chart shows Highest and Lowest Crude Divorce Rates by Province

Duration of Marriage and Divorce

In 2023, 33.4% of divorces occurred in the first five years of marriage, while 21.7% of divorces occurred in marriages lasting 6-10 years (TÜİK, 2024).

Chart shows Duration of Marriage and Divorce

Children Affected by Divorce

As a result of divorce cases finalized in 2023, 171,213 children were given to guardianship. In most cases, guardianship was given to the mother (74.9%), while 25.1% of children were given to the father’s guardianship (TÜİK, 2024).The next release on this subject by TÜİK will be in February 2025.

Chart shows Children Affected by Divorce

TÜİK. (2024). Marriage and Divorce Statistics, 2023 [Press release]. Turkish Statistical Institute

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