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Blue Flag beaches are one of the most important quality certificates that guarantee purity of water, safety, and security of the beach from hazards, in addition to environmental protection.
The blue flag beaches in Turkey are many, as they spread in many cities on the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Seas, giving Turkey a great advantage in beach tourism.

What is the Blue Flag Beach?
The blue flag beaches are among the best in the world, as the marine beaches must pass strict quality standards to obtain the blue flag quality certificate.
The Blue Flag Award, is awarded to protected and clean beaches around the world. Turkey has a total of 551 certified beaches with the blue flag by 2023. On most of Turkey’s coasts, you can see the blue flag.
The most important criteria of the Blue Flag for Beaches are:
- Water quality
- Environmental management of marine resources
- Safety and security
- Providing information
Beaches wishing to obtain the Blue Flag must contain many requirements, the most important of which are life-saving and first aid equipment, telephones, and public toilets, including toilets for the disabled.
In addition, the blue flag beaches require places for drinking water, parking for cars and bicycles, camping sites, pedestrian paths, and rainwater outlets.
The organization that provides the blue flag also tests the purity of the beach water and the clarity of pollution and harmful bacteria.
Blue Flag Beaches in Turkey

Many beaches in Turkey have a certificate of quality on the blue flag, which contributes significantly to stimulating tourism.
Turkey, with its 551 blue flag beaches, is ranked third out of 50 countries with the highest quality certification.
The blue flag beaches in Turkey are distributed among the following cities:

The city of Antalya, known as the Turkish Riviera, has one of the best beaches on the Mediterranean coast.
The beaches of Antalya are characterized by the cleanliness and purity of their waters, in addition to the perfect sun and luxurious tourist resorts.
Antalya has 231 blue flag beaches out of 551 beaches, as the Turkish city is the most city with a number of blue flag certified beaches in the world.

The Turkish city of Mugla contains about 110 blue flag beaches, as the beaches of Mugla are among the most famous beaches in Turkey.

The city of Izmir, which is located in the south of the Aegean Sea, has 63 clean beaches that have been awarded the Blue Flag. Izmir’s beaches are distinguished by their excellent sand, clear waters and bright sun.
Aydin has 35 beaches that have a Blue Flag Certificate for Marine Beach Quality.
Balikesir has 46 beaches inscribed with the blue flag.
Çanakkale has 12 amazing beaches that have been awarded the Blue Flag.

The city of Mersin has a long coastline on the eastern Mediterranean, and the city attracts many tourists with its 11 blue flag beaches.
Other Cities
In addition to the mentioned cities, there are many other cities in Turkey that have a blue flag beach certificate, which are: 6 beaches in Tekirdag, 1 beach in Kocaeli, two beaches in Ordu, 13 beaches in Samsun, one beach in Kırklareli, 1 beach in Sakarya, 1 beach in Duzce, 1 beach in Istanbul, and one beach in Van.