A list of English speaking doctors in istanbul

Many foreigners who live in Turkey or visit the country for tourism experince enormous difficulties in interacting with doctors.

We think about you on Turkpidya. so we decided to create A list of english speaking doctors in istanbul to help you reach the most suitable English speaking doctor in Istanbul.

A list of English speaking doctors in istanbul

İmportant Notes before reading the lists

  1. The list will be updated regularly so make sure to bookmark the page and Turkpidya and visit regulary whenever you want to check for English speaking doctors in İstanbul.
  2. This is A list of English speaking doctors in istanbul, other cites/language will have their own page in the future.
  3. You can always contact us if you need any more information.
  4. You can use the table of content in the beginning of the article to locate the specialization you are searching for.
  5. if You want to search for a specific sickness you can click CTRL+F on PC and then write in the search bar the name of the sickness or hospital you are searching for.
  6. On mobile you can simply click find in your browser settings and research any information you need.
  7. Muayenehane means a clinic in Turkish.
  8. You should contact your insurance company to get the details of the coverage for health cost and which hospital/clinic is included in your package.
  9. We wish you a healthy days stay safe and call “112” if you need an amublance.

English speaking doctors in Istanbul

English speaking Dentists in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Dt. Fikret AltanDiş Hekimi Fikret Altan Diş Kliniği

Dt. Damla Zenar
Dent Dream Diş Kliniği
Dt. Serdar ÇekiçARDENT Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği
English and German speaking
Dt. Adnan Batu Batu Ağız Ve Diş Sağlığı PolikliniğiArabic and German speaking
Dt. Serhan TavasSerhan Tavas Dental Klinik
Dt. Ahmet KiğılıConfident Ağız Ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi

English speaking Gynecology and Obstetrics doctors in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Op. Dr. Süleyman EserdağHera Klinik İSTANBULGerman and English speaking

Op. Dr. Pınar Kadiroğulları
Acıbadem Atakent Hastanesi
Op. Dr. Mehtap Şentürk Çiçek Op. Dr. Mehtap Şentürk ÇİÇEK Muayenehane
Dr. Meryem Kürek EkenHisar Hastenesi Ümraniye
Prof. Dr. Alparslan BaksuÖzel Ota – Jinemed Hastanesi
Dr. Fatma Gençtürk ÖzerFatma Özer Gençtürk Muayenehanesi

English speaking General surgeon in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Op. Dr. Mehmet Durmuş KurtKozyatağı Central Hospital
Prof. Dr. Güralp Onur CeyhanAcıbadem Altunizade Hastanesi
German, French and English speaking

Op. Dr. Özden Avcı 
Pendik Şifa Hastanesi
Prof. Dr. Korhan TaviloğluTaviloğlu ProktolojiEnglish and German speaking
Op. Dr. Yücel Polat Özel Florya Hastanesi
Prof. Dr. Emel Canbay Emel Canbay Muayenehanesi
English and İtalian speaking
Doç. Dr. Ümit Koçİstinye Üniversitesi Hastanesi
Doç. Dr. Bülent Çitgezİstanbul Hamidiye Şişli Etfal Eğitim Ve Araştırma HastanesiEnglish and German speaking

English speaking Orthopedics and Traumatology in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Prof. Dr. Nevzat Selim Gökay FULYA AKADEMİ
Prof. Dr. Uğur HaklarKNEE CLINIC

Prof. Dr. Neslihan Aksu
Neslihan Aksu Muayenehanesi
Op. Dr. Gökçe Mık GM Yetişkin ve Pediyatrik Ortopedi KliniğiEnglish and French speaking
Doç. Dr. Sinan KahramanŞişli Florence Nightingale HastanesiThe doctor has a really good reviews but the hospital itself got to many complains beware!
 Dr. Akif Albayrak Emel Canbay Muayenehanesi
Dr. Serhat MutluSerhat Mutlu Muayenehanesi
Op. Dr. Halit Ziya Postalcı Op. Dr. Ziya Postalcı Muayenehanesi

English speaking Ear Nose Throat doctors in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Op. Dr. Aytekin UzerÖzel Nisa Hastanesi
Dr. Seçkin Ulusoyİstanbulesthe Rinoplasti

Op. Dr. Bahadır Baykal 
Bahadir Baykal MuayenehanesiEnglish, German and italian speaking
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet AltıntaşAhmet Altıntaş Muayenehanesi
Op. Dr. Cem ErdurakCem Erdurak muayenehanesi
Prof. Dr. Teoman DalProf. Dr. Teoman Dal Muayenehanesi
Prof. Dr. Fatma Tülin KayhanFatma Tülin Kayhan Muayenehanesi
Doç. Dr. Yavuz Selim YıldırımÖzel Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

English speaking Psychiatrist in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Zengibar ÖzarslanAdel Psikolojik Danışmanlık Merkezi
Uzm. Dr. Elvan ÇiçekçiMODA Psikiyatri&Psikoterapi Merkezi

Uzm. Dr. Burak Toprak
Burak Toprak Psikiyatri & Psikoterapi Kliniği
Uzm. Dr. Candaş KılıçCandaş Kılıç Muayenehanesi
Uzm. Dr. Ebru Damla BostancıBağdat Psikiyatri
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Filiz Şükrü GürbüzBeykent Psikoterapi MerkeziEnglish and İtalian speaking
Psk. Dr. Levent SoyluLevent 195 Plaza Büyükdere
Uzm. Dr. Gülşah Meral ÖzgürGülşah Meral Özgür Muayenehanesi

English speaking Brain and Nerve Surgons in İstanbul:

Doctor NameHospital/ClinicNotes
Op. Dr. Mehmet KulalıÖzel Rumeli Hastanesi
Op. Dr. Tekin ÖzcanOp. Dr. Tekin ÖZCAN (Muayenehane)

Prof. Dr. Hidayet Akdemir
Prof. Dr. Hidayet Akdemir Muayenehanesi
Op. Dr. M. Levent DenizMarmara Ağrı MerkeziEnglish and German speaking
Op. Dr. Aybars AkkorAkkor SağlıkEnglish and German speaking
Doç. Dr. Aşkın ŞekerMedical Park Bahçelievler Hastanesi
Prof. Dr. Kenan KoçAcıbadem Atakent Hastanesi
Doç. Dr. Pulat Akın SabancıOp. Dr. Ziya Postalcı Muayenehanesi

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