Turkpidya: Where the world meets Türkiye in any language

Turkpidya: Where the world meets Türkiye in any language

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Captured in the pages of an encyclopedia

Turkpidya’s encyclopedia is the ultimate guide to discovering the heart and soul of Türkiye. Its pages take you on an epic journey, where you’ll explore the wonders of Turkish culture, history, economy and natural beauty. From the majestic peaks of the Taurus Mountains to the bustling bazaars of Istanbul, Our articles offer insights into the rich tapestry of Turkish life, from the ancient traditions that have shaped the country’s identity to the modern innovations that are propelling it forward. Turkpidya’s encyclopedia is more than just a collection of facts and figures; it’s a tribute to the greatness of Türkiye and the enduring spirit of its people.


Abdullah Habib

The Founder of Turkpidya

Meet Abdullah, the visionary behind Turkpidya, a comprehensive and multilingual online encyclopedia dedicated to sharing the beauty and richness of Turkish culture with the world

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Egyptian Citizen Abdullah Habib prepared a digital encyclopedia based on his love for Turkey, where his ancestors lived. Turkpidya, defined as Turkey’s first digital encyclopedia. Working on the projects he developed, especially Turkpidya, in this process, Abdullah Habib said, “In my research about Turkey, I saw that there are many wrong information and patterns. That’s why I decided to establish Turkpidya, the first of the projects I developed, and present the right source of information about Turkey.


NTV Turkpidya-2

Introduces Turks to the world: He told Turkey to 5 million people Egyptian student Abdullah Habib, who lives in Eskişehir, introduces Turks to the world with the digital encyclopedia site “Turkpidya” he established in 2020. The site, which has reached 5 million visitors in 190 countries in two years, currently offers services in 21 different languages. Saying, “We have the goal of gathering Turkish states under one roof,” Habib says, “We aim to open up to Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and then include other Turkish states in the encyclopedia.”


Yenişafak Turkpidya

One young man’s quest to create an encyclopedia for everything, A young Egyptian engineering student has set out to create a comprehensive online encyclopedia about Turkey. Abdalla Khaled Ahmed Mohamed Bayoumi, 24, goes by Abdullah Habib. He is a final-year student at Eskisehir Technical University of Material Science and Engineering.

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