العطل الرسمية في أذربيجان .. الدليل الكامل 2023
احصل على تفاصيل حول العطلات الرسمية في أذربيجان لعام 2023 بتقويم وجدول ، وخطط لعطلتك وفقًا لذلك.
في هذا المقال ، سنقدم دليلاً شاملاً للعطلات الرسمية في أذربيجان ونستكشف أهميتها التاريخية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية.
الخلفية والسياق
لفهم أهمية العطلات الرسمية في أذربيجان ، يجب أن ننظر أولاً إلى سياقها التاريخي والثقافي.
أذربيجان ، الدولة التي حصلت على استقلالها عن الاتحاد السوفيتي في عام 1991 ، لديها تنوع سكاني يشمل الأذربيجانيين العرقيين والروس والأرمن ومجموعات الأقليات الأخرى. البلاد هي أيضًا موطن للعديد من الأديان ، بما في ذلك الإسلام والمسيحية واليهودية.
نتيجة لذلك ، تعكس العطلات الرسمية في أذربيجان هذا التنوع ، حيث يتم التعرف على الأعياد الوطنية والدينية والتذكارية والاحتفال بها على مدار العام.
أنواع العطل الرسمية في أذربيجان
تحتفل أذربيجان بـ 15 عطلة رسمية على مدار العام ، بما في ذلك:
Azerbaijan recognizes a total of 15 public holidays throughout the year. These holidays can be grouped into three categories: national, religious, and commemorative.
National holidays include:
- New Year’s Day (January 1-2): This holiday marks the beginning of the new year.
- Women’s Day (March 8): This holiday celebrates the achievements of women in Azerbaijan.
- Novruz (March 20-24): This holiday marks the beginning of spring and is celebrated by Azerbaijanis of all faiths.
- Day of Victory over fascism (May 9): This holiday commemorates the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
- Independence Day (May 28): This holiday celebrates Azerbaijan’s independence from the Soviet Union.
- Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani people (June 15): This holiday commemorates the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918.
- Armed Forces Day (June 26): This holiday honors the military personnel of Azerbaijan.
- Restoration of Independence Day (October 18): This holiday commemorates the restoration of Azerbaijan’s independence from the Soviet Union.
- Victory Day (November 8): This holiday marks Azerbaijan’s victory over Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.
- National Flag Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan (November 9): This holiday celebrates the national flag of Azerbaijan.
- Constitution Day (November 12): This holiday celebrates the adoption of the country’s constitution.
- National Revival Day (November 17): This holiday commemorates the beginning of the national liberation movement in Azerbaijan in 1988.
- World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day (December 31): This holiday celebrates the solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the world.
Religious holidays include:
- Eid al-Adha (Gurban) (dates vary): This holiday is celebrated by Muslims and commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son.
- Eid al-Fitr (Ramadan) (dates vary): This holiday marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting for Muslims.
Commemorative holidays include:
- Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani people (June 15): This holiday commemorates the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918.
- Victory Day (November 8): This holiday marks Azerbaijan’s victory over Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.
A Table of Public Holidays in Azerbaijan 2023
Date | Name | Type |
Jan 1 | New Year’s Day | Public holiday |
Jan 2 | New Year’s Holiday | Public holiday |
Jan 3 | Day off for New Year’s Day | Public holiday |
Jan 4 | Day off for New Year’s Holiday | Public holiday |
Jan 20 | Martyrs’ Day | Public holiday |
Mar 8 | Women’s Day | Public holiday |
Mar 20-24 | Nowruz/Spring Holiday | Public holiday |
Apr 21-25 | Ramadan Holiday | Public holiday |
May 9 | Victory Day over Fascism | Public holiday |
May 28 | Republic Day | Public holiday |
May 29 | Day off for Republic Day | Public holiday |
Jun 15 | Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People | Public holiday |
Jun 26 | Azerbaijan Armed Forces Day | Public holiday |
Jun 28-29 | Feast of the Sacrifice Holiday (Tentative Date) | Public holiday |
Oct 18 | National Independence Day | Observance |
Nov 8 | Victory Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan | Public holiday |
Nov 9 | State Flag Day of Azerbaijan | Public holiday |
Nov 12 | Constitution Day | Observance |
Nov 17 | National Revival Day | Observance |
Dec 31 | World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year’s Eve | Public holiday |
Celebration of Public Holidays in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijanis celebrate public holidays with customs and traditions unique to their culture. For example, during Novruz, Azerbaijanis light bonfires, prepare traditional sweets and pastries, and decorate their homes with traditional ornaments.
On Eid al-Adha, Muslims sacrifice animals and distribute the meat to family, friends, and the less fortunate. These celebrations reflect the country’s long history and diverse cultural influences.
Significance of Public Holidays in Azerbaijan
Public holidays in Azerbaijan have historical, social, and economic significance. For example, Independence Day commemorates Azerbaijan’s independence from the Soviet Union and is a time for reflection on the country’s progress and achievements.
National Flag Day celebrates the country’s flag and is an opportunity to showcase national pride. Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr are religious holidays that promote solidarity and community among Muslims. By recognizing and celebrating these holidays, Azerbaijanis affirm their cultural identity and celebrate their history and achievements.
تعتبر العطلات الرسمية في أذربيجان جانبًا مهمًا من ثقافة البلاد وتاريخها. من خلال الاعتراف والاحتفال بهذه الأعياد