Turkish Ministry of Justice 2023
Table of Contents
The Turkish Ministry of Justice is responsible for opening and organizing the courts mandated by law, as well as planning justice institutions of all degrees and types, such as penitentiary institutions, enforcement and bankruptcy offices. To establish, supervise, and develop it in terms of administrative responsibilities.
Let us look at more specific information about Turkish Ministry of Justice.
About the Turkish Ministry of Justice
The institution is in charge of organizing, managing, and carrying out all of the country’s services that are subject to the rule of law. At the same time, it is in charge of ensuring the legality of the institution’s local auxiliary elements. The Ministry of Justice was founded on the foundations of some councils established during the Ottoman period; however, work was accelerated during the Tanzimat period in order to comply with the new legal regulations of the West.
The Ministry of Justice and its affiliated institutions play an active role in enforcing regulations, resolving cases, and resolving problems. When the public’s trust in the institution is shaken, the institution’s entire operation will cease. Even if only for this reason, compliance of decisions and practices with the law and national conscience is critical. Whatever decision and implementation is made, it must be done within the legal framework and impartially.
Furthermore, the ministry has nothing to do with the decisions made. Only the relevant institutions are subject to the Ministry’s administrative authority. In keeping with the term “impartiality,” we discussed.
Duties of The Turkish Ministry of Justice
The duties of the Ministry of Justice are enumerated in Article 38 of the Presidential Decree on the Organization of the Presidency No. 1, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 10/07/2018 and numbered 30474.
Accordingly, the duties of the Ministry of Justice are:
ARTICLE 38 – (1) The duties and powers of the Ministry of Justice are as follows:
a) Establishing and organizing the courts stipulated in the laws, planning, establishing and developing the institutions of justice of all degrees and types such as penitentiary institutions, enforcement and bankruptcy offices, and supervising and developing them in terms of their administrative duties,
b) To make proposals to the Council of Judges and Prosecutors regarding the abolition of a court or the change of its jurisdiction,
c) To carry out studies and procedures regarding the use of the authority given to the Minister of Justice by the legislation regarding the filing of a public lawsuit,
ç) To carry out the services related to keeping the criminal record,
d) To carry out transactions related to foreign countries in matters related to justice services,
e) To make necessary researches and legislative preparations and to express opinions on matters related to justice services,
f) To examine the compliance of the legislation drafts sent by the ministries with the Turkish legal system and legislation technique and to express opinions on these issues,
g) To arrange executions in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation,
ğ) To carry out execution and bankruptcy works and transactions through enforcement and bankruptcy offices,
h) To follow up the application in relation to its field of duty and to develop solutions by investigating the causes of the problems that arise,
ı) To organize scientific meetings at national or international level, to encourage and support studies of this nature,
i) To cooperate with public or private institutions or organizations related to its field of duty,
j) To perform other duties assigned by laws or presidential decrees.
Bodies of the Turkish Ministry of Justice
- Inspection committee
- General directorate of criminal affairs
- General directorate of legal affairs
- General directorate of legislation
- General directorate of penalty and denied houses
- General directorate of judicial registry and statistics
- General directorate of foreign relations and the european union
- General directorate of personnel
- General directorate of legal services
- General directorate of information processing
- Strategy development department
- Department of human rights
- Department of education
- Department of executive affairs
- Support services department
- Department of judicial support and victim services
- Department of internal audit
- Prisons and prisoners workshops institution
- Press and public relations consultancy
- Presidency of the forensic medicine
Contact Turkish Ministry of Justice
- Phone : 90 (0312) 417 77 70
- Fax : 90 (0312) 419 33 70
- E-Mail : infoadalet.gov.tr
- Address : 06659 KIZILAY / ANKARA
Turkish Ministry of Defence
The Turkish Ministry of Defense is a government agency responsible for the defense of the Republic of Turkey. It is responsible for the management and oversight of the Turkish Armed Forces, which consists of the Turkish Army, Navy, and Air Force. The ministry is headquartered in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, and is led by the Minister of Defense, who is appointed by the President of Turkey.
Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism carries out its duties to “preserve and promote Turkey’s universal cultural, artistic and tourism values by ensuring their sustainable protection, to facilitate access to information in raising public awareness and to increase Turkey’s share of world tourism”.